Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Week 5

I downloaded the top ten apps from the app store on my iPhone, some of them i had already, and some were new, the top ten apps are:
1. Bitsrips

2. Wallpapers for iOS 7

3. Call of Duty
4. NinJump Rooftops

5. Deer Hunter 2014

6. Lose it!

7. YouTube

8. Dots

9. Candy Crush Saga

10. Snapchat.

I downloaded the apps and I'm currently working on the website, which is where I will be posting my reviews. The website might be finished and published this week or at the beginning of next week. I will post the URL on Wednesday, or you can check my Week 4 Blog. I posted the website there, It doesn't have any content, though. But you can still go and check it.
Once I finish the website, I am going to write the reviews about the apps listed above, and even if they changed the top ten, I will still review the apps from this week. Starting from next Monday, I will review the apps by week and write the week number that they ranked one of the top ten apps of the Apple App Store.

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