Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Week 7

Due to some changes in my data plan, I might not be able to install the top ten apps every week, I'll try to, but It might take longer time than usual, the best app of the week is going to stay, I'm still going to download and review it, but since it's getting shorter, I won't just review the apps, I will also publish a walk-through that will help you, well, walk through the app and how to use it, if there were cheats that won't require downloading, hacking, installing, or jail-breaking the iOS device, I will publish it on the website. Mentioning the website, I'm still working on it, I have to admit that I didn't work on it as much as I am supposed to, that is due to the fact that I do NOT fully understand Weebly's website, if you have any suggestions on how to use it or anything that will help me understand the website, it would be great. Just send me an email at, or, or you can message me on my Facebook account
Top Ten Apps of this week are:

  1. Bitstrips.
  2. QuizUp.
  3. Type While You Walk FREE.
  4. Deer Hunter 2014.
  5. ARTPOP.
  6. Call Of Duty.
  7. Snapchat.
  8. Playstation App.
  9. YouTube.
  10. Football Heroes.
The pictures will be posted up later on.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Week 5

I downloaded the top ten apps from the app store on my iPhone, some of them i had already, and some were new, the top ten apps are:
1. Bitsrips

2. Wallpapers for iOS 7

3. Call of Duty
4. NinJump Rooftops

5. Deer Hunter 2014

6. Lose it!

7. YouTube

8. Dots

9. Candy Crush Saga

10. Snapchat.

I downloaded the apps and I'm currently working on the website, which is where I will be posting my reviews. The website might be finished and published this week or at the beginning of next week. I will post the URL on Wednesday, or you can check my Week 4 Blog. I posted the website there, It doesn't have any content, though. But you can still go and check it.
Once I finish the website, I am going to write the reviews about the apps listed above, and even if they changed the top ten, I will still review the apps from this week. Starting from next Monday, I will review the apps by week and write the week number that they ranked one of the top ten apps of the Apple App Store.