Monday, June 2, 2014

Final Blog: 20% Project Reflective Review

For my 20% project, I decided to review and post walkthroughs for iOS Apps. That''s what I've been working on throughout the year, and last Friday I presented what I did. This is what I think about my 20% Project:
I think that I did good, I reviewed and posted walkthroughs for a lot of apps, but I think I could have done better, I think that I could have reviewed more apps, I didn't review a lot because it took time for me to play them and convert what I played into words. It was kind of hard to describe what was going on in the game, but I did it anyways. I thought about changing my project a couple of times but I didn't know what else to do. So I decided not to change it, and stick with what I planned to do from the beginning. I didn't start reviewing apps right away because I tried to make my own website and post the reviews and walkthroughs there but it didn't work out very well, the websites that I made all failed. So I decided to post the reviews and walkthroughs here, on my Blogger. I don't know how many apps I have reviewed. But my estimation is about 124 apps throughout the year. I think that I did good on my presentation, well I did better than I thought I would. I have posted 31 Blogs including this one. Doing this project was actually fun, I got credits by playing on my phones. I got to see apps that I didn't know that they existed. People can come up with some stupid apps. It was fun doing this, but I will not continue reviewing apps, College is more important, and plus, I am no longer getting credits out of it, so there is no point.
Thanks for the reviews, I honestly didn't expect this amount of reviews, if you have any comments, send my a message or comment on any of my posts, thank you and have a great summer break.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Stay In The Line

Stay In The Line is an easy game, it doesn't need much description. All what you have to do is touch and drag the dot through the line, and no matter what, do NOT drag the dot out of the line. 
That's all what you beed to know about this game. I didn't like this game, it could have been created better. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

White Tile 3

Yet another White Tile game, this one has 4 different modes that, well, differ from Piano Tiles. This one does make piano sounds too. Crazy mode, it's like arcade mode but there are some red tiles, DO NOT PRESS THEM, you'll lose. Race mode is racing agaisnt the timer, there are levels on it. Colorful mode is the same as arcade but the tiles that you have to press aren't black they are 'colorful'. Lastly there is multiplayer mode, split screen between you and whoever you want. 

App Of The Week

This week's best app isn't a game, its for traveling. Kayak, it's for hotels, cars, and flights. So there isn't much to talk about, but if you travel a lot you should use it, it makes it easier to find flights and hotels.  


dEXTRIS is a fun game, I would say it's an arcade game. It's like an arcade mode game. There are two small squared tiles with the colors green and purple, and you have to avoid spikes by either clicking or touching the right side of the screen both tiles go to the far right, if you click on the left side, the tiles will go to the far left, and lastly, if you click on both sides, they will separate and the left tile will go left and the right one goes right. The game gets faster and faster, and some spikes don'trequire tapping or touching, by leaving them in the middle you could avoid spikes. This game requires speed, your thumbs have to be fast. My high score is 42-yes, it is that hard for me. Comment your high score.  

Flappy Bird: New Season

This is the closest app to the original Flappy Bird. I looks the same, it sounds the same, it's like its the original Flappy Bird. Whoever made this one, he or she really pulled it off. So all what you have to do is tap the screen at the right time, don't keep tapping and don't tap fast. Just leave a second between each tap. My highest score on the original Flappy Bird is 83. Comment your high score (it can be on this or the original Flappy Bird, they're all the same). 

Make It Rain

'Make It Rain' is a fun app, I doenloaded it and its really fun to play. It's all about investing, you start with 0 dollars, you have a stack of unlimited money to swipe and to get some, the faster you swipe, the more X you get. X means times, like X2 and X3, and if you keep swiping you'll get a X50. You start with one domlar bills, keep swiping to get enough money to imvest, you can invest to help you in three different ways, to increase the amout of bills that you swipe, the amount of money you get per second that only works when the app is open, and a bucket that you can increase how much capacity it can hold (money) and how much you get per hour, make sure to empty it every hour because it works (it fills up) even if the app is not open, if you don't empty it when its full, you are wasting your money. And when you make a large amount of money all of a sudden, you'll get a spinning wheel, you'll spin in and it will stop on something that will determine your case. (ex. giulty, not giulty, and you can bribe them). So far, I make 119.24K per second (when the app is open), 10K per swipe, or per bill, and 2.48M (million) and hour in the bucket with a capacity of 2.66M. So it takes about an hour and twenty minutes to fill up.